Disappearance of AirAsia flight: Indian pilots trained for flying during turbulent weather
India is one of those few aviation markets in the world where commanders have to go through intense training for flying during turbulent weather before the onset of monsoon every year.
"India is pretty conservative when it comes to rules and is one of those few markets, where pilots need to go through training and refresher training before monsoon every year," said a senior commander, adding that this training is over and above the mandatory requirement for pilots to fly during the rainy season.
"A pilot is allowed to fly during the monsoon weather, of course post the mandatory training, if the commander has flown at least 500 hours on that aircraft and a co-pilot has flown at least 100 hours on the same kind of aircraft," said the pilot.
The training for monsoon includes class-room drills on the impact of weather, interpreting the weather, apart from simulator training.
In India, such turbulent weather is generally seen before the monsoon and just after the rainy season is over. Another pilot explained that the turbulent weather is prevalent more in the eastern part of the country.
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